

Orange Frog Workshop: Leading Positive Performance™ is an on-site experiential workshop that teaches the science of sustainable peak performance.

The research is clear. Positive environments are performance enhancers. They are characterized by higher productivity, less turnover and more resilient cultures.

Applying the latest research-based techniques from the field of positive psychology, individuals learn the practices of resilient leaders; they become more adaptable and develop a capacity to “see” more opportunities, leading to better results.

Please use the form below to further inquire about a training for your organization of 15 or more participants.


Workshop participants first learn to embrace the benefits of positive performance they then share them naturally with co-workers leading to a compounding effect inside the organization.

Based on the works of Shawn Achor, author of The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work and taught in Harvard’s famed happiness course and to companies worldwide, Leading Positive Performance™ provides a sustainable approach to enhancing productivity at the individual, team and organization level.

“I had a co-worker that I made a habit of avoiding … it finally got to the point that we could not effectively work together. I decided at that point to focus on what I could do to make relations better, going out of my way to know more about my coworker. I started to see their point of view, which led to barriers breaking down. Now we have a strong relationship that has led to more success for both of us.”



This workshop was developed in partnership with and is conducted by the International Thought Leader Network. For more information, please fill out the form below, or contact Greg at or Donald at (919)

  • Just let us know an approximation - we can work with groups from 15-75+ (and do multiple sessions for larger corporations)
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY